My Answer to Jayne, or Love In the Time of the Corona Virus, A Desert Astrologer’s Fairytale

My friend, Jayne, asked me, astrologer to astrologer, which aspect I am connecting to the unusual times of the Coronavirus.  She’s feeling Saturn conjunct Pluto, more than Neptune, historic ruler of all things Flu/Colds/Viral Illness.  Being a Scorpio astrologer, I decided I couldn’t give a simple answer.  And, I don’t think anything about this is simple, nor defined entirely by one view.  These are the wild and crazy times we had been hearing rumblings about in astrology for years, and, yes, they look absolutely bananas in typical Uranus fashion.  Jane, here are my thoughts:

First, I looked up the official declaration of the new disease: COVID-19.  That date is listed as 1/7/2020.  While there are suspicions that it may have started as early as November 17, 2019, and it was reported as a severe pneumonia on 12/31/2019, I think there is something in the collective consciousness that links us to official acknowledgement.  For instance, we don’t use a conception chart – we use a BIRTH chart.  It’s a definitive moment we can witness and say, “Yes, this happened.”  So, COVID-19 was “born” in the world’s consciousness on 1/7/2020.  A helluva day, it was, too.

January 7, 2020 was the first time Saturn and Pluto shook hands together for many, many years.  It wasn’t exact until a few days later; however, they were both at 22 degrees Capricorn on that day, close enough in my book. (Saturn at 22 degrees 6′, Pluto at 22 degrees 35′ in Capricorn.)  That’s kissing close.  When the heavyweight planets line up together, you can be sure something big is happening on a global level.  Let’s take a brief look at the 1/7/20 lineup:

Sun 16 degrees Capricorn

Moon 9 degrees Gemini at Noon in MST

Mercury 14 degrees Capricorn

Venus 22 degrees Aquarius

Mars 2 degrees Sagittarius

Jupiter 8 degrees Capricorn

Saturn 22 degrees Capricorn

Uranus 2 degrees Taurus

Neptune 16 degrees Pisces

Pluto 22 degrees Capricorn

Chiron 1 degree Aries

North Node 8 degrees Cancer, South Node 8 degrees Capricorn

What a day!  I took notes on all of this, and I’m going to run through this pretty quickly.  I’m a double Scorpio with a Taurus Moon, but when it comes to communication I prefer it fast!  Ok, here goes:

Neptune was in Pisces, a water sign.  Historically, Neptune is connected to confusion/enlightenment, influenza/colds, feet, poisons, day dreams, the outer levels.  He’s a hard guy to understand, but he’s at home in watery Pisces – dreams, music, creativity, confusion, the lush or the saint.  Watery.  Influenza.  Confusion.  Some key words to pay attention to with COVID-19.

Venus, Saturn, and Pluto were at 22 degrees (of Aquarius, Capricorn, and Capricorn) of the sign they were in.  Take a peek at 22 degrees – it’s often connected to death in the old school astrology, more specifically killing.  Yes, my best friend would tell you about its numerological significance, master number, turning dreams into reality.  Well, you know, that rather fits here, too.  Turning “dreams” or ideas into reality.  Master builder, precision. 22 – also known for missed opportunities.  But still, death.  Well, that fits, doesn’t it?  At least with the ability to take action.  Why was that?  Why wait so long?

Well, because Mars and Uranus were inconjunct each other, that’s why.  Challenge, readjustments, redirecting.  Mars in Sagittarius rushes headlong into the fray and is challenged by Uranus in reliable old Taurus.  Yes, we need to change it all, NOW!, but wait… The truth is out there, it’s here, but it’s slow to actually develop any action.

On that same day, the North Node- where we’re headed folks – is opposed by Jupiter.  Interesting…Cancer North Node, Jupiter in Capricorn.  You want to go out, build that empire, but…uh…no, you’ve got things to attend to at home.  Business was booming?  Well, guess what, you’ve been neglecting your home, your family, and your dreams.  Yes, we need banks, and structure, and society, and all of that but, are we on the right path?

Well, Uranus in Taurus would say, “No, this path is not right. Let’s break it down…but what are we breaking down?”  Taurus would say, our values, our food (please go read my post on food and Uranus in Taurus that I wrote last year, I’m telling you, it’s a whole sudden shift), the Earth.  And, while they aren’t trine yet, Pluto is cheering Uranus on during his meeting with Saturn.  “Hey, this guy, Uranus, he’s a nut, but he’s onto something!  Something has to transform, baby, the system is not working.  The structure will not hold unless it evolves.  Why are you so stubborn, clinging to the past?  The people want more, and I’m ready to burn it down.”  (Yes, that’s Pluto in my mind – think Phoenix, think Grim Reaper, when have those changes ever been more or less than the release of what this has all been leading up to?)

And, Uranus in Taurus, is only just starting.  We have no idea where these changes are going to take us, but it’s time to ADJUST, time to REDIRECT, and while we don’t know the truth of it all (dang Neptune in Pisces) we’re definitely communicating about it (Venus in Aquarius).  The people (in my mind, Taurus Uranus and North Node Cancer (families) in this scenario) want answers from the big guy, Saturn, and it’s change or die.

Ok, but a virus?  Well, Neptune, Influenza, is sextile this conjunction.  Sextiles are encouraging activities between two planets.  Jupiter is blowing it up the closer it gets to the Saturn/Pluto/Sun/Mercury conjunction.  And…the Moon was in Gemini.  Gemini – the hands, communication and…the lungs.  The North Nodes was in Cancer, the breasts…or…the chest area.  Neptune ruling influenza/colds, in a water sign, going into the lungs, via transmission of water droplets, and….touching of the hands to the face(head).  Chiron happened to be in Aries (the head) at 1 degree, making a lovely trine to Mars, who was inconjunct to Uranus.  They are telling us not to touch our faces.  And, side note, have you seen how everyone is looking for a mask for their face?  Chiron (and don’t shoot me here, fellow astrology community), was a learned teacher who healed others.

Ok, Madame Astrologer, I see where you’re going.  But what about the TP?  Ladies and gentleman, may I present the Scorpio Astrologer’s two cents on our precious toilet paper hoarding?  Pluto – hidden, transformational.  South Node, excretions/tail of the dragon, conjunct Jupiter.  Pluto tied to Scorpio – also excretions.  Thus, we are selfishly, out of proportionally (Jupiter blowing up the South Node reactions) hoarding our precious excretions paper, causing upset, opposition, and hanging onto this resource much too tightly!

OK, finally, paper and food and medicine.  Chiron…healer of extraordinary ability, who also was a centaur – a population not known for carefulness and thoughtful study.  Centaurs are a partying bunch, a bunch of partying fools who drank, caroused, beat up things, trashed the forest, and did it all again the next day.  I think there is a warning here, Spring Breakers, you can party and drink, but it probably isn’t in your best interest.  But, Chiron, he had this talent for healing, he helped Hercules, after all. Prometheus, too.  I’m hoping Chiron in Aries shows the answer to our COVID-19 virus – hot air, pioneering research, may it dry out the sogginess of this Neptune Pisces.  That could take awhile, folks, but still, it’s a hope.

But, what about that paper, food, and medicine?  Well, hello Uranus in Taurus.  Hello, Capricorn conjunction, south node (the past).  Taurus and Capricorn are very concerned with the Earth.  I’ve yet to meet a Taurus or Capricorn who didn’t have a love of the bounty of nature, whether it is her foodstuffs, her hidden treasures, or her wide vistas to climb.  What do we, as a society, need to change?  Will a solution come out of the old stodgy tried and true?  Nope – it’s going to come from a brilliant, sudden, chaotic change to how we, as a people, approach our resources.  We can go willingly, or fight it, but you can see how well that’s working out.

So, yes, Jayne, I think the virus is a vehicle of the transformation of our structures, banking, society, food production, governing bodies, and what we put our values on lol.  Why a virus?  Well, Mother Nature did not get our attention with the Volcanoes and Typhoons when Uranus was in Aries.  So, this time, it’s getting very…personal (Cancer takes a lot personally…Cancer North Node).  And, it’s threatening our families, while offering us a way to (forcefully) reconnect with the family, while potentially changing the face of the workforce forever with the internet (Uranus! Aquarius!). My great hope is that over the next seven years, we learn from this and leave the Earth, her people, and her animals better than they were prior to this.  Why?  Because we need a revolution of the body – the Earth’s and we need a Transformation of our Societal Structures.  If it takes a virus to work in harmony with those goals, then so be it.  Although, with Uranus, you’re never going to know what it was until after it happened.

Thank you for taking the time to read this!


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