My Answer to Jayne, or Love In the Time of the Corona Virus, A Desert Astrologer’s Fairytale

My friend, Jayne, asked me, astrologer to astrologer, which aspect I am connecting to the unusual times of the Coronavirus.  She's feeling Saturn conjunct Pluto, more than Neptune, historic ruler of all things Flu/Colds/Viral Illness.  Being a Scorpio astrologer, I decided I couldn't give a simple answer.  And, I don't think anything about this is [...]

Freedom And Freebies in The Land of The Free

Nothing in life is free. My dad told me that when I wouldn’t accept that Ed McMahon’s sweepstakes wasn’t just a random opportunity at wealth. No matter how many examples I gave him, he’d prove how there was a cost. It used to drive me crazy, and he was right. Everything has a cost - [...]