Bigger Picture

Today I woke up in a world,

Where a woman slams another in public,

Because she has wide hips and is rich,

While the same women degrade,

Glass ceilings and female body shaming,

Where thousands of acres are on fire,

Eucalyptus-scented paws burn, starve,

Where citizens claw at a leader,

Believing politicians have the answers,

And nations rip themselves apart,

All for the honor to be called right, to win,

While we still don’t clean the water,

While our wild lands are mowed down,

While children don’t receive medicine,

And older citizens die in debt and alone,

Where the wild things are becoming a myth,

And brotherhood and fraternity struggles to thrive,

Where adults are more concerned about children,

Fighting for their right to claim a favored gender,

Than the fact children eat so much sugar and carbs,

Their teeth rot out of their heads because their parents,

Cannot afford healthy food and dental care,

Where children starve and die of thirst,

While adults brutalize each other in the name,

Of law, or religion, or politics, or some such cause,

And frankly I don’t care who you love, just that you love,

I don’t care what you wear, just make a difference,

I don’t care if you are male or female as long as you are kind,

I don’t care who you voted for, just help make the world workable,

And please stop worrying and fighting over each other,

Becoming distracted instead of making our world,

A better home for all lives who dwell within it.

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